스토어드 프로시져나 뷰의 소스를 보기 위해서는 sp_helptext 를 사용합니다. 근데 sp_helptext에는 사소한 버그가 하나 있습니다. 소스를 작성할때 한줄에 255자 이상 작성하면 강제로 줄바꿈이 되어 버립니다. 이게 문법에 딱 맞게 줄바꿈이 되면 상관이 없는데 255자가 넘어가면 바로 줄바꿈이 되버리는 바람에 오브젝트명이 중간에 잘리기도 합니다. 마 치 이렇 게... 그래서 그대로 다시 alter를 하면 에러가 발생하기도 합니다. sp_helptext도 저장프로시져 입니다. 그래서 sp_helptext 명령으로 소스를 볼 수 있습니다.exec sp_helptext sp_helptext다음은 sp_helptext의 소스의 첫 부분입니다.create procedure sys.sp_helptext @objname nvarchar(776) ,@columnname sysname = NULL as set nocount on declare @dbname sysname ,@objid int ,@BlankSpaceAdded int ,@BasePos int ,@CurrentPos int ,@TextLength int ,@LineId int ,@AddOnLen int ,@LFCR int --lengths of line feed carriage return ,@DefinedLength int /* NOTE: Length of @SyscomText is 4000 to replace the length of ** text column in syscomments. ** lengths on @Line, #CommentText Text column and ** value for @DefinedLength are all 255. These need to all have ** the same values. 255 was selected in order for the max length ** display using down level clients */ ,@SyscomText nvarchar(4000) ,@Line nvarchar(255) select @DefinedLength = 255 select @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 /*Keeps track of blank spaces at end of lines. Note Len function ignores trailing blank spaces*/ CREATE TABLE #CommentText (LineId int ,Text nvarchar(255) collate catalog_default)잘 살펴보면 255가 3번 나옵니다. nvarchar의 최대길이가 4000이기 때문에 이걸 4000으로 바꿔줍니다.4000자 이상은 어떻게 하냐고?? 그러지 말자... -_-;;이렇게 수정한 소스로 sp_helptext를 수정해주면 줄바꿈 버그는 사라집니다. 그런데 한가지 문제가 있는데 시스템 저장 프로시져는 alter 할 수가 없습니다. DAC로 연결해서 수정하면 된다는데 저는 다른 이름으로 프로시져를 생성해서 사용합니다. 다음 소스는 제가 소스를 수정한 sp_helptextX인데요. 약간의 기능을 좀 더 넣었습니다. 다른 개발자가 만들어 놓은 스토어드 프로시저의 소스를 보다보면 소스의 앞부분이나 뒷부분에 엔터를 잔뜩 처 넣었다거나 줄끝에 공백이나 탭이 잔뜩 있는 겨우가 있습니다. 아무 문제 없지만 저는 어쩐지 지저분해보여서 싫었습니다. 그래서 그런 부분들을 정리해주는 기능을 넣었습니다.편집증다음은 sp_helptextx의 전체 소스입니다.create procedure sp_helptextX @objname nvarchar(776) ,@columnname sysname = NULL as set nocount on declare @dbname sysname ,@objid int ,@BlankSpaceAdded int ,@BasePos int ,@CurrentPos int ,@TextLength int ,@LineId int ,@AddOnLen int ,@LFCR int --lengths of line feed carriage return ,@DefinedLength int /* NOTE: Length of @SyscomText is 4000 to replace the length of ** text column in syscomments. ** lengths on @Line, #CommentText Text column and ** value for @DefinedLength are all 255. These need to all have ** the same values. 255 was selected in order for the max length ** display using down level clients */ ,@SyscomText nvarchar(4000) ,@Line nvarchar(4000) select @DefinedLength = 4000 select @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 /*Keeps track of blank spaces at end of lines. Note Len function ignores trailing blank spaces*/ CREATE TABLE #CommentText (LineId int ,Text nvarchar(4000) collate database_default) /* ** Make sure the @objname is local to the current database. */ select @dbname = parsename(@objname,3) if @dbname is null select @dbname = db_name() else if @dbname <> db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end /* ** See if @objname exists. */ select @objid = object_id(@objname) if (@objid is null) begin raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@objname,@dbname) return (1) end -- If second parameter was given. if ( @columnname is not null) begin -- Check if it is a table if (select count(*) from sys.objects where object_id = @objid and type in ('S ','U ','TF'))=0 begin raiserror(15218,-1,-1,@objname) return(1) end -- check if it is a correct column name if ((select 'count'=count(*) from sys.columns where name = @columnname and object_id = @objid) =0) begin raiserror(15645,-1,-1,@columnname) return(1) end if (ColumnProperty(@objid, @columnname, 'IsComputed') = 0) begin raiserror(15646,-1,-1,@columnname) return(1) end declare ms_crs_syscom CURSOR LOCAL FOR select text from syscomments where id = @objid and encrypted = 0 and number = (select column_id from sys.columns where name = @columnname and object_id = @objid) order by number,colid FOR READ ONLY end else if @objid < 0 -- Handle system-objects begin -- Check count of rows with text data if (select count(*) from master.sys.syscomments where id = @objid and text is not null) = 0 begin raiserror(15197,-1,-1,@objname) return (1) end declare ms_crs_syscom CURSOR LOCAL FOR select text from master.sys.syscomments where id = @objid ORDER BY number, colid FOR READ ONLY end else begin /* ** Find out how many lines of text are coming back, ** and return if there are none. */ if (select count(*) from syscomments c, sysobjects o where o.xtype not in ('S', 'U') and o.id = c.id and o.id = @objid) = 0 begin raiserror(15197,-1,-1,@objname) return (1) end if (select count(*) from syscomments where id = @objid and encrypted = 0) = 0 begin raiserror(15471,-1,-1,@objname) return (0) end declare ms_crs_syscom CURSOR LOCAL FOR select text from syscomments where id = @objid and encrypted = 0 ORDER BY number, colid FOR READ ONLY end /* ** else get the text. */ select @LFCR = 2 select @LineId = 1 OPEN ms_crs_syscom FETCH NEXT from ms_crs_syscom into @SyscomText WHILE @@fetch_status >= 0 begin select @BasePos = 1 select @CurrentPos = 1 select @TextLength = LEN(@SyscomText) WHILE @CurrentPos != 0 begin --Looking for end of line followed by carriage return select @CurrentPos = CHARINDEX(char(13)+char(10), @SyscomText, @BasePos) --If carriage return found IF @CurrentPos != 0 begin /*If new value for @Lines length will be > then the **set length then insert current contents of @line **and proceed. */ while (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded + @CurrentPos-@BasePos + @LFCR) > @DefinedLength begin select @AddOnLen = @DefinedLength-(isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded) INSERT #CommentText VALUES ( @LineId, isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @AddOnLen), N'')) select @Line = NULL, @LineId = @LineId + 1, @BasePos = @BasePos + @AddOnLen, @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 end select @Line = isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @CurrentPos-@BasePos + @LFCR), N'') select @BasePos = @CurrentPos+2 INSERT #CommentText VALUES( @LineId, @Line ) select @LineId = @LineId + 1 select @Line = NULL end else --else carriage return not found begin IF @BasePos <= @TextLength begin /*If new value for @Lines length will be > then the **defined length */ while (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded + @TextLength-@BasePos+1 ) > @DefinedLength begin select @AddOnLen = @DefinedLength - (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded) INSERT #CommentText VALUES ( @LineId, isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @AddOnLen), N'')) select @Line = NULL, @LineId = @LineId + 1, @BasePos = @BasePos + @AddOnLen, @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 end select @Line = isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @TextLength-@BasePos+1 ), N'') if LEN(@Line) < @DefinedLength and charindex(' ', @SyscomText, @TextLength+1 ) > 0 begin select @Line = @Line + ' ', @BlankSpaceAdded = 1 end end end end FETCH NEXT from ms_crs_syscom into @SyscomText end CLOSE ms_crs_syscom DEALLOCATE ms_crs_syscom IF @Line is NOT NULL INSERT #CommentText VALUES( @LineId, @Line ) /* ------------------------------ SCRIPT 정리 시작 ------------------------------ */ /* 줄 끝 공백과 탭 제거 */ declare @seq int declare @text nvarchar(4000) declare @crlf nvarchar(2) DECLARE ScriptCursor1 CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY STATIC FOR select LineId, Text from #CommentText order by LineId OPEN ScriptCursor1 FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor1 INTO @seq, @text WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @text LIKE '%' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) BEGIN SET @text = SUBSTRING(@text, 1, LEN(@text) - 2) SET @crlf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) END ELSE BEGIN SET @crlf = '' END SET @text = REVERSE(@text) WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN IF CHARINDEX(CHAR(9), @text) != 1 AND CHARINDEX(CHAR(32), @text) != 1 BREAK IF CHARINDEX(CHAR(9), @text) = 1 SET @text = SUBSTRING(@text, 2, 4000) IF CHARINDEX(CHAR(32), @text) = 1 SET @text = SUBSTRING(@text, 2, 4000) END SET @text = REVERSE(@text) + @crlf UPDATE #CommentText SET [Text] = @text WHERE LineId = @seq FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor1 INTO @seq, @text END CLOSE ScriptCursor1 DEALLOCATE ScriptCursor1 /* SCRIPT 끝 케리지 리턴 제거 */ SET @seq = NULL SET @text = NULL DECLARE ScriptCursor2 CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY STATIC FOR select LineId, Text from #CommentText order by LineId DESC OPEN ScriptCursor2 FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor2 INTO @seq, @text WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @TEXT != CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) BREAK DELETE #CommentText WHERE LineId = @seq FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor2 INTO @seq, @text END CLOSE ScriptCursor2 DEALLOCATE ScriptCursor2 /* SCRIPT 앞 케리지 리턴 제거 */ SET @seq = NULL SET @text = NULL DECLARE ScriptCursor3 CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY STATIC FOR select LineId, Text from #CommentText order by LineId OPEN ScriptCursor3 FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor3 INTO @seq, @text WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @TEXT != CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) BREAK DELETE #CommentText WHERE LineId = @seq FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor3 INTO @seq, @text END CLOSE ScriptCursor3 DEALLOCATE ScriptCursor3 /* ------------------------------ SCRIPT 정리 끝 ------------------------------ */ /* SCRIPT PRINT */ SET @seq = NULL SET @text = NULL DECLARE ScriptCursor9 CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY STATIC FOR select LineId, Text from #CommentText order by LineId OPEN ScriptCursor9 FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor9 INTO @seq, @text WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @text FETCH NEXT FROM ScriptCursor9 INTO @seq, @text END CLOSE ScriptCursor9 DEALLOCATE ScriptCursor9 DROP TABLE #CommentText return (0) -- sp_helptext
2014년 5월 8일 목요일
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